Safe Snack List
Below is our current snack list. Please only send your child with a snack from the list below. Any items sent in with identifiers such as “containing peanuts/tree nuts” or “may contain peanuts/tree nuts” or “made in a facility with peanut/tree nuts” will be returned home with your child. Please note the snack list will be updated on a monthly basis. The update can be found on the district website.
Fresh Fruit
Fresh Vegetables
Made Good Granola bars- Apple Cinnamon, Chocolate Banana, Chocolate Chip, Cookies & Cream, Mixed Berry, Sweet and Salty
Made Good Crispy Squares
Wise Cheese Doodles-(Crunchy cheese, cheese mix, puff balls, Honey BBQ puffs)
Pirate’s Booty-Aged white cheddar, sour cream & onion, New York pizza
Wise Potato Chips-BBQ, plain, Salt & Vinegar
Lays Classic and Kettle Cooked chips
Welch’s fruit snacks
Mott’s fruit snacks
Skinny pop original
Rold Gold-thins, sticks, rods, and tiny twists
Teddy Grahams-Cinnamon, Honey, Chocolate, Chocolatey Chip, Mini
Cheese Nips
Tostitos original
Please keep in mind this list is current as of August 31, 2021, but manufacturers can change ingredients and/or they may change the facility where they make the product to one which has Peanuts. We will verify our list every 3 weeks and notify you of any changes made to our list. Thank you for your help in keeping all of our students safe!